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Utility Scams

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0 complaints against Utility Scams closed in last 3 years.
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0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

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Company Info

This report is regarding Utility Scams.

Primary Contact: James Miller (Supervisor)
Business Started: N/A

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Comments and Analysis

Utility scams are not new. For years scammers have been working to separate customers from their money by all types of schemes. From fraudulent billing, phishing attacks, impersonating authentic utility companies, etc.. Thieves have evolved their schemes to reach more victims and steal their money or even their identity to commit more fraud. 

Beware of callers claiming to be your utility company threatening to turn off services unless you pay immediately using a specific methods of payment, such as prepaid debit cards, GreenDot Cards, Western Union, Paypal, wire transfers etc. Consumers nationwide report that con artists are calling in an attempt to convince residents that they need to pay immediately to avoid shutoff. When customers pay using the methods requested, the scammer gets the funds and, unfortunately, it is next to impossible to get the money back. 

While a utility company may call to remind you of a past due bill, it is most often a recorded message that alerts you about a balance due. Most utility companies send shut off notices by mail and give you some time to become current or make payment arrangements. Immediate demands for payment should be a tip off that you may be dealing with a swindler. 

Other scams involve emails claiming your utilities will be shut off unless you click a link and enter your account information. Once your information is submitted to the schemers, they can use it to commit identity theft. Or clicking on the link can lead you to websites that install malware onto your computer, including viruses that can steal your information and ruin your computer.

Business Consumer Alliance (“BCA”) offers the following advice to avoid being scammed:

  • If you receive a call or email regarding your account, before you go any further, contact your provider immediately. Even if the caller sounds convincing, check with your local provider to verify that your account is indeed past due. Check your monthly bill or statement for the customer service number.

  • Never wire money to anyone calling and asking you to do so. This also goes for using prepaid or reloadable cards. Most legitimate businesses don’t demand that you use these methods of payment.

  • Avoid clicking links that appear in unexpected emails or texts.

  • Don’t be fooled by your caller id display. Scammers have found ways to spoof numbers to make it appear as if they are calling from the actual utility companies, or from in the states, when in fact they could be running the scam from somewhere outside of the country.

  • If you are delinquent on your bill, contact the utility company to request an extension or payment plan to avoid having your service interrupted.

  • Always ask anyone claiming to be a utility company employee for identification before allowing them into your home. Call the service office if you have any doubt as to their legitimacy.

  • If you have been scammed, file a complaint with BCA to warn others of your experience.

Other Considerations

We know of no other matter or practice relating to this company that may assist you in your consideration of this company.

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Consumer Energy Scam

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