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Realty Law Center

  594 inquiries |
Loan Modifications Advance Fee

6B Liberty Suite 215
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
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Company Info

Realty Law Center provides loan modification services for fees paid in advance.

Primary Contact: Bruce Weiner (Attorney)
Business Started: N/A

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California State Bar

Verified License

License Number: 78533
Status: Disbarred

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Government Actions

Agency: California State Bar

On April 25, 2013, Bruce Steven Weiner was disbarred from the State Bar of California and is prohibited to practice law in California by order of the California Supreme Court. The State Bar found Weiner committed 51 counts of misconduct in 15 loan modification matters, ten of which were undertaken in states where he was not authorized to practice law.

According to the State Bar’s Discipline summary states that while operating as owner and attorney for Novation Law Center, the All State Law Group and the Realty Law Center, Weiner used fee agreements that attempted to divide the services his companies provided into prequalification and post-qualification services to bypass laws that prohibit attorneys from receiving compensation in loan modification matters until all services have been performed. Several of the fee agreements required the clients to pay in full following the completion of prequalification services which consisted of basic tasks such as interviewing the client or setting up a file. Clients paid thousands of dollars in advanced attorney fees and did not receive any modifications.

Weiner was found guilty of, among other charges, failing to perform legal services with competence, violating loan modification provisions, failing to return unearned fees, collecting illegal fees, failure to cooperate with a disciplinary investigation and the unauthorized practice of law in another state. He has been ordered to pay $41,052.50 in restitution, plus interest.  Weiner has a record of past disciplines with the State Bar. 

Date of Action: 4/25/2013

Comments and Analysis

Effective October, 2009 in California, it is illegal to collect any fees, regardless of the form, for negotiating or attempting to negotiate a loan modification for a residential mortgage. All modification services must be fully completed before any money can be collected. It is also illegal to divide fees or services into components for the purpose of avoiding this law.

HUD approved housing counseling agencies are exempt from this law. For businesses outside of California, please check with the agency that regulates this industry.

The BBB suggests that consumers be wary of attorneys offering loan modification services with advertisements that do not expressly identify by name the attorney who is responsible for the business. In some cases office staff will not readily identify by name the attorney responsible for oversight of the business. Other signs of possible problems may be that the attorney in charge of the office is too busy or not willing to meet personally with prospective clients. Often these firms may advise the homeowner to stop paying the existing mortgage or they make unsubstantiated advertising claims that sound too good to be true. Some of these claims might include a “90 or 100 percent rate of success in obtaining loan modifications or claims that a reduction in the mortgage principal is likely to be achieved. Avoid Attorneys that demand payment of a large fee even before obtaining a prospective client’s basic income and expense information and information about the existing mortgage and present home value. If you reside in another State keep in mind the attorney is required to be licensed to practice law in the state where the consumer resides. Consumers having a problem with the attorney handling their loan modification may contact the State Bar at 1-800-843-9053 or visit the State Bar’s Web site at to find a complaint form.

Other Considerations

We know of no other matter or practice relating to this company that may assist you in your consideration of this company.

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Weiner Law Center
The Law Offices of Bruce Weiner
The Law Offices of Bruce S. Weiner
Realty Law Center, Inc.

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