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Ocwen Financial Corporation reviews

1661 Worthington Road Suite 100
West Palm Beach, FL 33409
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Showing 3 recent reviews for Ocwen Financial Corporation

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Posted on 10/10/2018

When you make a payment the idiots don't even take it out they are not professional can't even understand them don't they hire white people so we can understand what they saying this company is worthless. They suck email idiot.

Posted on 12/26/2016

Ocwen's accounting ledgers are as malleable as Silly Putty

Not if, but WHEN i discover Ocwen has made yet another 'error', upon reporting it to the Research Dept, Customer Service, or their Ombudsman, the result is always the same.
i detailed to them fifty-five separate concerns and seven days later i received their response: a request for twenty additional days to research.
At the end of that span i received their response: a request for an additional ten days to research.
After that span i received their response.
They had summed my fifty-five concerns down to just one: a request for a transaction history, which they will send separately. They trust they have addressed all my concerns and they are happy for the opportunity to be able to help me because "helping homeowners is what we do."
Now i have more than ten transaction histories AND THEY ARE ALL DIFFERENT.

i filed a complaint with the CFPB and i received a letter from the Ombudsman office at Ocwen: We thank you for the opportunity to address your concerns. We attempted to call you twice, but there was no answer. We trust we have addressed all your concerns.

i called Ocwen Customer Service and spoke to an Escalation Manager. i asked him to audit my account because my records showed that i was current in payments with several thousand dollars in my Unapplied funds account while Ocwen's billing statements indicated that i owed over $10,000 in arrears.
He said i should call him back in a week. So i did and he acted perplexed when i mentioned the audit.
i asked him again to audit my account and he said he would. i called him back in a week to find he still hadn't audited my account. He said it was not necessary since he had reviewed my account, found errors, and corrected them.
He said he made all the necessary corrections, but he refused three times to identify the changes he had made.
i asked him what happened to the $3,000 extra payment i had made. He said it was used to 'roll a due date'. i asked could he be more specific and
he states IT WAS IN 2011.
i didn't miss any payments in 2011. i have those records handy so let's go through them one by one.
Are you sure because my mortgage was transferred to Ocwen in 2009.
He says YES IT WAS IN 2009.
Ok so let's go through those statements. NO, HE SAYS, WAIT, ITS 2007.
Ok i have those statements. Which month was it?
OH, I'M SORRY, IT WAS ACTUALLY 2006. He was lucky that i didn't have those records handy - that was getting ridiculous.
The double payment was made in Oct. 2009. And he is saying that it was used to cover a missed payment from 2006 - that has never been mentioned before.

Ocwen is as crooked as they get. They lie and make it seem that i have been two payments behind for two years and report these lies to the credit agencies. They caused my credit rating to plummet so i can't escape through a refinance.