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Heckler & Smith Associates, Inc.

  173 inquiries |
Collection Agencies |   Business Alert

6303 Owensmouth Avenue, 10th floor
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
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(747) 444-3500


7:00 a.m thru 4:00 p.m PST

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Complaints and Resolutions

Complaint Experience


Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Complainants typically allege failure to provide payment after collections are completed; lack of communication after initial sales call are made difficulty contacting the company for updates regarding collection efforts and/or collection notices received. Some complainants allege refunds promised are not honored or additional payments are required in order for services to continue.~~The company generally responds to complaints by sending payment for accounts they were able to collect on providing updates on current case(s) and promises to continue update consumers. The company responds to other complaints by claiming collection letters allowed the consumer to dispute the bill within 30 days per the FDCPA. The company contends they submitted claims for collection/ligation processes and did all they could. Issues relating to promised refunds are not addressed. ~

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against Heckler & Smith Associates, Inc. closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

Other Information

Company Info

Financial Adjustment Solutions employs experienced collectors that are knowledgeable in a wide range of industries worldwide.

Primary Contact: Sarah Marshall (Legal Facilitator)
Business Started: 6/2/2011

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Comments and Analysis

~ Before you decide to hire a collection agency make sure to research the company. Obtain a Reliability Report from Business Consumer Alliance. Verify that the business is a legitimate company with active licensing bonds and insurance if applicable. Also make sure that the business adheres to the Federal  Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Inquire about the businesses experience with your specific industry type age and amount of debt you are trying to recover as well as the success rate that the company has had with collecting past due debts. Ask for references of clients who have been successful with using the company’s services. Select a business that is easy to communicate with and provides a reliable point of contact. Make sure the contract has a clear description of the services to be performed cost of services and any other terms and conditions. Compare services and fees of several different companies before making a final decision. Some agencies work on contingency meaning they collect their fees on the back end once the debt has been collected. Typically these types of arrangements allow for the agency to charge between 25-45% of the total collected. Another option is to pay a flat fee which is usually a small fee paid up front. If you are considering paying a flat fee obtain any policies regarding refunds and guarantees in writing prior to making any payment.


~ The debt collector should be willing to provide reviewed or audited financials detailed information on the collection process including how the debtor will be contacted and how often and regular updates on their collection activity. Some agents will set up independent trust accounts for payments made from your customers so that they are separate from other funds. Inquire about the company’s use of “skip tracing’ which allows the agency access to several databases to help locate a debtor if they are no longer at the location on file and have left no forwarding address.  Ask if the agency has “Errors and Omissions Insurance” which can serve as a protection to you and your business if the collection efforts cause the debtor to file charges claiming negligence harassment or aggressive collection tactics. Keep in mind agencies normally will not provide a timeframe for recovering debts as this is dependent on when or if the debtor pays. Be leery of any claims that seem too good to be true. Finally realize that more than likely you will not recover all of the money that is owed so it is best to exhaust all other collection measures before contacting a debt collection agency or debt recovery firm.

Other Considerations

~ If you have been contacted by a collection agency for a debt which seems unfamiliar to you carefully check your records to verify the origin and amount of the debt before paying. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act protects consumers from unfair collection tactics including threats harassment and collection of fictitious debts.


~ This law also requires debt collectors to supply documentation to substantiate the debt upon request of the debtor. If they are unable to present the requested documentation you are not required to pay the debt.


~ For more information check our resource guide on "How to Deal with a Colletion Agency".

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Financial Adjustment Solutions

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Service Customer
Joseph DiStefano (President)
Michael Sanchez (Legal Facilitator)
