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Forensic Case Management Services, Inc.

  345 inquiries |
Collection Agencies |   Business Alert

4570 Van Nuys Blvd. #331
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
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(888) 861-4338

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Complaints and Resolutions

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BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Most complaints are filed by business owners alleging unethical collection practices high pressure sales tactics misrepresentations or inadequate disclosures concerning fees and policies and rude or profane representatives. Business owners complain the company collects debts on their behalf but fails to notify them or pay them the amounts collected. In other cases businesses report that debts are settled for a fraction of the actual amount without permission or authorization or the company demands additional fees above the agreed upon amount when the debt was assigned. ~~Several businesses allege harassment and high pressure sales tactics are used to solicit their business. These complainants allege the company calls their business on a daily basis or multiple times daily using profanity and rude remarks if they will not agree to assign their payable accounts. These complainants request to be removed from the company's contact list. ~~Other complaints filed by consumer debtors allege the company contacts them concerning unfamiliar debts and refuses to supply information to validate the debt. ~~The company responds to some business to business complaints by agreeing to cancel contracts provide refunds or remove the business from their customer list. ~~In response to consumer debtor issues the company provides explanations on case status or directs complainants to an FTC website advising them to research and educate themselves on how to validate or dispute debts. Allegations concerning extra charges or previously undisclosed fees are generally not addressed.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against Forensic Case Management Services, Inc. closed in last 3 years.
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0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

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Company Info

Forensic Case Management Services, Inc. dba Rumson, Bolling, & Associates is a debt collection firm.

Primary Contact: David M Hynes II (President/Owner)
Business Started: 2/2/2009

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Government Actions

Agency: Federal Trade Commission (FTC)Los Angele~Description: On January 17 2013 the remaining defendants in the Federal Trade Commission’s case against Rumson Bolling & Associates have agreed to a settlement that permanently bans them from the debt collection business.~~The settlement resolves FTC allegations that three debt collection companies their owner David M. Hynes II and the companies’ principals subjected consumers to abusive debt collection practices and deceived their small business clients. Under the settlement defendants will pay $700 000. In a separate settlement the FTC also obtained over $400 000 in judgments against three other companies that Hynes controlled which were alleged to have received funds from the defendants’ activities. ~~The defendants were based in Van Nuys California but collected debts nationwide. The FTC’s complaint alleged that the defendants used multiple illegal debt collection practices. Among other things the agency alleged that the defendants berated consumers with obscene and profane language threatened them with physical harm improperly disclosed consumers’ debts to their employers co-workers neighbors and other third parties and falsely threatened consumers with lawsuits arrest seizure of their property or wage garnishment. Several consumers reported that defendants even threatened to dig up the bodies of consumers’ deceased relatives for alleged non-payment of funeral bills. ~~The FTC also alleged that the defendants deceived their small business clients. Using the slogan “no recovery no fee ” the defendants promised that they would collect their clients’ past-due accounts on a contingency basis. The FTC alleged that in many cases the defendants collected money for a client then kept all of the money or more than they were entitled to keep. In some cases the defendants asked clients for additional fees purportedly for legal expenses in filing a lawsuit that would “guarantee” the successful collection of a debt. However in many cases the defendants failed to file the promised lawsuits and the clients never received any money in satisfaction of the debt. ~~These practices allegedly violated both the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act which bars deceptive abusive and unfair debt collection practices and the FTC Act which more generally bars deceptive and unfair commercial practices. ~~Under the settlement defendants David M. Hynes II Lorena Quiroz-Hynes Forensic Case Management Services Inc. (doing business as Rumson Bolling & Associates FCMS Inc. Commercial Recovery Solutions Inc. and Commercial Investigations Inc.) Specialized Recovery Inc. (doing business as Joseph Steven & Associates and Specialized Debt Recovery) and Commercial Receivables Acquisition Inc. (doing business as Commercial Recovery Authority Inc. and The Forwarding Company) agreed to a $33.8 million judgment which will be suspended due to inability to pay after they turn over $700 000. In addition under the same settlement defendants James S. Hynes and Heather True agreed to judgments of $43 822 and $233 973 respectively which will be suspended due to their inability to pay. If it is determined that the financial information the defendants gave the FTC was untruthful the full amount of the judgments will become due.~In a separate settlement three companies that David Hynes controlled – Vesper Collins LLC; Ramillies LLC; and Innsbruck LLC – agreed to turn over $403 487 to the FTC. The FTC named these companies as relief defendants alleging that they did not participate in the defendants’ wrongdoing but still profited from it. In addition the FTC has filed for a default judgment against another company owned and operated by Hynes Kester Archwood LLC. ~~~Date of Action: 1/17/2013

Comments and Analysis

This company advertises collection services via business to business telemarketing calls. ~~If you have been contacted by a collection agency for a debt which seems unfamiliar to you carefully check your records to verify the the origin and amount before paying. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act protects consumers from unfair collection tactics including threats harassment and collection of fictitious debts.~~This law also requires debt collectors to supply documentation to substantiate the debt upon request of the debtor. If they are unable to present the requested documentation you are not required to pay the debt.~~Some collection agencies buy old uncollected debts. They are able to do this by paying only a cent or two on the dollar and they try to collect from debtors who may not realize that collection is time-barred by the statute of limitations (usually four years). These collection agencies often use intimidation such as threatening legal action and sometimes even criminal action if you do not pay. Or they may offer a small discount if you pay now. If they can collect even a partial payment though that can bring the entire debt back within the statute of limitations and allow them to attempt to collect it. ~You should know that you can be sued for a debt no matter how old it is. However you may assert that it is outside the statute of limitations as a defense to the action. Indeed in the case of a lawsuit where the debt is time-barred you must make that assertion or the collection agency could obtain a judgment against you. Whether or not you actually incurred the debt though if collection is barred by the statute of limitations and you respond to the collection agency's initial request by telling them that it's not too likely that they will file suit in the first place. Any debt that is more than seven years old generally may not be reported on your credit report. However some collection agents that buy old debts engage in a practice called "re-aging." They report the bad debt as more recent than it really is which causes your FICO score (the credit score lenders use to help them decide whether they should make a loan to you) to drop dramatically. ~~The collection agency has to tell you in writing how much you owe to whom that unless you dispute the validity of the debt or some part of it within 30 days after you receive the notice they will assume it is valid that if you do dispute it they will send you verification of it and that if you request it they will send you the name and address of the original creditor. If you do request verification or the creditor's name and address the collection agency has to stop their collection efforts until they've provided them. You do have to request either of these items of information in writing within 30 days after you first receive written notice from the collection agency. The same holds true for a court judgment. That is you are entitled to a copy if you request it in writing within these same 30 days and collection efforts must be suspended until the copy is provided. ~~A collection agency may not make these threats against you to collect a debt: To use physical force or violence or any other criminal means to harm you your property or your reputation; to accuse you of committing a criminal offense if you don't pay when the accusation would be false; assign the debt to a third person and to represent that this would cut off a defense or to garnish your wages seize your property or arrest you unless they can legally and intend to do it; to communicate to anyone information (other than nonpayment of the debt) that will defame you; and to take any other action that cannot legally be taken or that is prohibited by law or to threaten any action they do not actually intend to take. ~They are also prohibited from taking possession of your property by nonjudicial action unless they actually intend to do it. (Of course they may also not make such a threat if there is no enforceable security interest or if the property is by law exempt from such taking or communicate credit information about you that they know or should know is false.~~Should a collection agency violate California law (the California Debt Collection Practices Act) in collecting a debt from you you may file an action for actual damages you sustained because of their violation. In some cases the court may assess a penalty of between $100 and $1 000. If you prevail in the action you are also entitled to reasonable attorney's fees. (Conversely if the creditor prevails and the court finds that your prosecution or defense of the action was not in good faith they are entitled to attorney's fees from you.) Should a collection agency fail to comply with any requirement of the federal Debt Collection Practices Act they are liable for actual damages you sustained plus in an individual action a penalty of up to $1 000. A prevailing plaintiff may be awarded reasonable attorney's fees while a finding of bad faith in bringing the action on the part of the plaintiff may result in an award of attorney's fees to the prevailing defendant.

Other Considerations

Mail sent to this company was returned by the post office as "moved; left no forward address," "forward order has expired," or "unable to locate." We cannot trace addresses of companies or principals. General information is available upon request which may assist you.

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Commercial Investigations, Inc.
Rumson Bolling & Associates
Rumson Bolling And Associates

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Frank Lindstrom (Manager)
Heather True (Secretary)
James Hynes (Vice President)
Kevin D. Medley (CEO)
Lorena Quiroz-Hynes (Manager)
