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Business Consumer Alliance Blog

BCA Safe Shopping Tips

shopping tips

The holiday season is in full swing and sales are everywhere. Whether it’s that new coat for the kids, an upgraded cell phone, or a new car for the family, you name it and there’s a sale for it. While enjoying the deals, don’t forget scammers are busy year-round. It’s their full time job to defraud and con people. Stay on your toes with these helpful tips from Business Consumer Alliance while shopping any time and especially during the holiday season:

  • Check out the business. BCA makes it easy to search for a business and provides reports that include consumer reviews, company ratings, and the company’s complaint history.
  • Always review your bank and credit card statements. Look for any unusual and unfamiliar transactions and report them immediately to your financial institution.
  • Read and understand return, exchange, shipping, and refund policies of retailers before you make a purchase.
  • Keep copies of your receipts and ask for gift receipts.
  • Shop secure websites only when shopping online. These are identified by a security button near the left end of the website address and search field. Another indicator is “https” in the address. Avoid making online purchases in free Wi-Fi hotspots which can compromise your password and put other information at risk.
  • Never give out your sensitive personal or financial information, such as a social security or bank account number, through e-mail, over the phone, or to anyone unfamiliar to you.
  • Monitor your account for suspicious transactions. Many banks, credit unions, and other financial establishments offer mobile applications, online access, alerts and other ways to keep track of your account transactions.
  • Cancel your debit card immediately and get a replacement with a different number should you become a security breach victim.
  • Delete text messages claiming you’ve won a prize or gift card prompting you to click on an embedded link or that direct you to reply to the message. It is most likely a scam and can lead to a virus being installed on your device. Replying to the offer may also unknowingly enroll you in a subscription or membership program that will bill you.

For more tips and information, check out BCA’s Resource Guides.  Also, check out BCA’s Member Directory for reputable businesses where you can shop.

About Business Consumer Alliance:

Business Consumer Alliance (BCA) is a non-profit which started in 1936. The broad purpose of BCA is to promote business self-regulation. BCA's mission is achieved by assisting consumers in resolving complaints with businesses and using that complaint information, along with other relevant information like customer reviews, to forecast business reliability. With community support, BCA can identify trustworthy and ethical businesses and warn the public to avoid unscrupulous businesses whose purpose is to defraud the marketplace. BCA obtains its funding from member businesses who support the mission and purpose of the organization and who agree to abide by high standards of ethical business practices.