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The Advocacy for Consumer Rights

  765 inquiries |
Foreclosure Consultants |   Business Alert

2156 McCulloch Blvd Suite 7
Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403
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(888) 320-1599

Monday through Friday:
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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0 complaints against The Advocacy for Consumer Rights closed in last 3 years.
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0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
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0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
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Company Info

TAFCR specializes in the mathematical laws of grammar in contracts & performs free reviews to determine if a consumer was a victim of fraud based on grammar laws.They offer services to consumers who wish to take action on those who caused damage.

Primary Contact: Leighton Lionel Ward
Business Started: 7/7/2008

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Government Actions

Description: On May 4, 2017 the Lake Havasu City Police Department (LHCPD) arrested owner, Leighton L. Ward in Northern California on felony charges of fraud. The LHCPD's Criminal Investigations Unit began an investigation back in January of 2017 after receiving a report of an alleged fraudulent scheme involving mortgage contracts. The investigation led to the arrest of Ward who is charged with fraud, fraudulent schemes and artifices, theft and forgery.

Ward posed as an associate of the Advocacy for Consumer Rights and collected thousands of dollars from consumers claiming he could get them out of their binding mortgage contracts and get them money back based on the language of their contracts.

Ward also has a felony warrant out of Tennessee for similar fraud allegations.

Victims are encouraged to file a complaint with Business Consumer Alliance and contact LHCPD contact LHCPD Detective Brian Madsen at (928) 855-1171
Date of Action: 5/4/2017

Comments and Analysis

Effective October, 2009 in California, it is illegal to collect any fees, regardless of the form, for negotiating or attempting to negotiate a loan modification for a residential mortgage. All modification services must be fully completed before any money can be collected. It is also illegal to divide fees or services into components for the purpose of avoiding this law.

HUD approved housing counseling agencies are exempt from this law. For businesses outside of California, please check with the agency that regulates this industry.

The Advocates for Consumer Rights (TAFCR) offers to review mortgage documents for possible grammar fraud and files lawsuits with the “Federal Postal Court” for grammar fraud violations. The Federal Postal Court operates on the basis of a mathematical understanding of language that attempts to prove that certain mortgage documents are fraudulent. The Federal Postal Court does not have a courthouse or other fixed location and is not recognized as a valid legal authority with some federal courts.

While some mortgage relief companies claim their services can help you avoid foreclosure, reduce the amount you owe, cancel your loan, or obtain the home free and clear, oftentimes this is not the case. Mortgage and foreclosure relief companies may use a variety of tactics including forensic auditing, mass tort litigation, and other methods to sell their services. Before paying any money or agreeing to services consumers should look for and avoid any business that:

  • guarantees to stop the foreclosure process – no matter what your circumstances are
  • instructs you not to contact your lender, lawyer or credit or housing counselor

  • collects a fee before providing any services accepts payment only by cashier’s check or wire transfer

  • encourages you to lease your home so you can buy it back over time

  • recommends that you make your mortgage payments directly to it, rather than your lender

  • urges you to transfer your property deed or title to it

  • offers to buy your house for cash at a fixed price that is inappropriate for the housing market

  • pressures you to sign papers you haven’t had a chance to read thoroughly or that you don’t understand.

Here are some helpful guides to assist those facing foreclosure or looking for mortgage relief solutions:

Avoiding Mortgage Relief Scams

Foreclosure Frauds and Fixes

Mortgage Servicing - What You Need To Know

Other Considerations

On May 4, 2017 the Lake Havasu City Police Department (LHCPD) arrested owner, Leighton L. Ward in Northern California on felony charges of fraud. The LHCPD's Criminal Investigations Unit began an investigation back in January of 2017 after receiving a report of an alleged fraudulent scheme involving mortgage contracts. The investigation led to the arrest of Ward who is charged with fraud, fraudulent schemes and artifices, theft and forgery.
Ward posed as an associate of the Advocacy for Consumer Rights and collected thousands of dollars from consumers claiming he could get them out of their binding mortgage contracts and get them money back based on the language of their contracts.
Ward also has a felony warrant out of Tennessee for similar fraud allegations.
Victims are encouraged to file a complaint with Business Consumer Alliance and contact LHCPD contact LHCPD Detective Brian Madsen at (928) 855-1171

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Advocacy for Consumer Rights

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Leyton Ward (Case Manager)
Amanda Hunter (Former Managing Member)

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